
From Driverspedia

Handedness of road traffic

Slovakia is a right-hand traffic country.

Speed Limits

The general speed limits in Slovakia are presented in the following table:[1]

General Speed limits in km/h (mph)
Type of vehicle Built-up areas Other roads Expressways and Motorways within built-up areas Expressways and Motorways
Vehicles ≤ 3,5 t GVWR 50 (31) 90 (55) 90 (55) 130 km/h (80 mph)
Vehicles ≤ 3,5 t GVWR with a trailer > 750 kg GTWR 50 (31) 90 (55) 90 (55) 90 km/h (55 mph)


  1. Driver's license. EU, EEA and Switzerland's citizens can use the license issued by their countries. Citizens of other countries should carry an International Driving Permits.
  2. Car registration certificate.
  3. Certificate of Motor Insurance. Carrying an International Motor Insurance Card (Green Card) is a good idea even for EU / EEA citizens. At least third party coverage is required.

Items required in cars or with motorcycles

  1. Warning triangle. All category M vehicles (passenger cars are part of this category) should be equipped with a warning triangle.[2] The driver of the vehicle is obliged to use the warning triangle during an emergency stop, especially in the event of a vehicle break down or an accident. The driver is obliged to place the triangle on the edge of the road so other road users can react in time, at a distance of at least 50 m behind the vehicle and on the highway at least 100 m behind the vehicle. In built-up areas this distance may be shorter depending on the specific conditions and circumstances. The driver should also use the vehicle's hazard warning lights at least till they have placed the warning triangle on the road behind their vehicle.[3]
  2. Safety reflective clothing, for example a vest, overalls, trousers, a jacket or a raincoat. Safety reflective clothing should be placed within reach of the driver's seat for every category M vehicle.[4]
  3. Spare wheel plus the tools for its installation (lug wrench and jack) are mandatory for all category M vehicles.[5] Vehicles which are equipped with a tire repair kit are excluded from this obligation.[6]
  4. First aid kit. Vehicles of M category as well as of categories L3e, L4e, L5e and L7e should be equipped with a first aid kit that fulfills the standards mentioned in Príloha č. 2 k vyhláške č. 134/2018 Z. z. (text in Slovak) for vehicles registered in Slovakia[7] or for vehicles registered in other EU member states a first aid kit that fulfills the country of registration standards.[8]

Winter conditions

If there is a continuous layer of snow or ice on the road, the drivers of motor vehicles of category M1 (passenger cars up to 9 seats, including the driver's) may use their vehicles in road traffic only if they are equipped with snow tires on all axles marked with the 3PMSF symbol or with "M + S", "MS" or "M&S" tires. The provisions do not apply for spare tires used in case of an emergency.[9] The minimum permitted tread depth for winter tires is 3 mm.[10]

The use of snow chains is mandatory when indicated by traffic sign C14, when the weather conditions make their use necessary.[11]

Studded tires

The use of studded tires is prohibited in Slovakia.[12]


All vehicles should drive with their low beam headlights on any time of the day.[13]

Filling stations

Filling stations are open from the morning till evening. Many of them are open all day long.

Fuel Types

  1. Unleaded petrol / gasoline. It is also called Natural in Slovakia. Octane ratings of 95 RON and 98 RON are available in the country.
  2. Diesel. It is called "Nafta" in Slovak.
  3. LPG. It's also called "Autoplyn" in Slovakia. A list of stations that sell LPG is available on website.
  4. CNG. A list of CNG stations in Slovakia can be found by following the link.

Fuel stations locations and fuel prices

A source of locations of fuel stations along with their prices as updated by users can be found at:

  1. also available as an app for android and iOS.

Electric vehicle chargers

You can find electric car and PHEVs chargers in Slovakia on, also available for Andorid and iOS

Road user charges

Electronic toll sticker (e-vignette)

Vehicles of category M1 (passenger cars up to 9 seats including the driver's seat) and two-track motor vehicles or vehicle combinations up to 3,5 t should buy an electronic e-vignette in order to drive on motorways D1, D2, D3 and D4 or expressways R1, R2, R4 and R6. A separate e-vignette should be purchased for trailers of categories O1, O2 and for vehicle combinations over 3,5 t. You can check the type and the number of e-vignettes you should purchase at the bottom of this web page.

This map shows presented with a solid orange line the sections of the roads that their use is subject of an e-vignette purchase.

There are 4 classes of validity duration for e-vignettes:

  1. 365 Days e-vignettes. They are valid for 365 days since the validity start date which you choose when you buy them. The validity start date can be up to 14 days after the day of the purchase as the system is currently implemented.
  2. Year long e-vignettes. They are valid from the start of the relevant year (or from the day of purchase) till 31st January of the following year.
  3. 30 days e-vignettes. They are valid for 30 days since the validity start date which you choose when you buy them. The last validity start date you can choose when buying a 30 days e-vignette is the last day of the current year.
  4. 10 days e-vignettes. They are valid for 10 days since the validity start date which you choose when you buy them. The last validity start date you can choose when buying a 10 days e-vignette is the last day of the current year.

E-vignettes for vehicles or trailers can be bought online at the listed prices.

You can check if there is a valid vignette assigned to your vehicle as well as its expiration date by providing the license plate number and the country of registration in this form.

Urban Access Regulations

There are no relevant restrictions related with passenger cars and motorcycles.


  1. Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky, "Zákon č. 8/2009 Z. z., Zákon o cestnej premávke a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov", 'Čl. I, DRUHÁ ČASŤ - PRAVIDLÁ CESTNEJ PREMÁVKY, DRUHÁ HLAVA - JAZDA VOZIDLAMI, Jazda v mimoriadnych prípadoch, § 16 - Rýchlosť jazdy, 09.04.2020
  2. Ministerstva dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky, "134/2018 Z. z., Sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o prevádzke vozidiel v cestnej premávke", "Povinná výbava vozidla, § 25, (1), a), 31.08.2020
  3. Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky, "Zákon č. 8/2009 Z. z., Zákon o cestnej premávke a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov", 'Čl. I, DRUHÁ ČASŤ - PRAVIDLÁ CESTNEJ PREMÁVKY, DRUHÁ HLAVA - JAZDA VOZIDLAMI, Zastavenie a státie, § 24 (3), 09.04.2020
  4. Ministerstva dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky, "134/2018 Z. z., Sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o prevádzke vozidiel v cestnej premávke", "Povinná výbava vozidla, § 25, (1), b), 31.08.2020
  5. Ministerstva dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky, "134/2018 Z. z., Sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o prevádzke vozidiel v cestnej premávke", "Povinná výbava vozidla, § 25, (1), c), 31.08.2020
  6. Ministerstva dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky, "134/2018 Z. z., Sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o prevádzke vozidiel v cestnej premávke", "Povinná výbava vozidla, § 25, (2), b), 31.08.2020
  7. Ministerstva dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky, "134/2018 Z. z., Sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o prevádzke vozidiel v cestnej premávke", "Povinná výbava vozidla, § 25, (1), d), 31.08.2020
  8. Ministerstva dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky, "134/2018 Z. z., Sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o prevádzke vozidiel v cestnej premávke", "Povinná výbava vozidla, § 25, (4), 31.08.2020
  9. Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky, "Zákon č. 8/2009 Z. z., Zákon o cestnej premávke a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov", 'Čl. I, DRUHÁ ČASŤ - PRAVIDLÁ CESTNEJ PREMÁVKY, DRUHÁ HLAVA - JAZDA VOZIDLAMI, Osobitosti premávky na diaľnici a ceste pre motorové vozidlá, § 38 - Osobitosti premávky v zimnom období, 09.04.2020
  10. Ministerstva dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky, "134/2018 Z. z., Sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o prevádzke vozidiel v cestnej premávke", "Podmienky na prevádzku vozidla v cestnej premávke, § 14 Kolesá, pneumatiky a snehové reťaze, (10) b), 31.08.2020
  11. Ministerstva dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky, "134/2018 Z. z., Sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o prevádzke vozidiel v cestnej premávke", "Podmienky na prevádzku vozidla v cestnej premávke, § 14 Kolesá, pneumatiky a snehové reťaze, (20), 31.08.2020
  12. Ministerstva dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky, "134/2018 Z. z., Sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o prevádzke vozidiel v cestnej premávke", "Podmienky na prevádzku vozidla v cestnej premávke, § 14 Kolesá, pneumatiky a snehové reťaze, (19), 31.08.2020
  13. Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky, "Zákon č. 8/2009 Z. z., Zákon o cestnej premávke a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov", 'Čl. I, DRUHÁ ČASŤ - PRAVIDLÁ CESTNEJ PREMÁVKY, DRUHÁ HLAVA - JAZDA VOZIDLAMI, Osvetlenie vozidla, § 32 (1), 09.04.2020